Monday 16 May 2016

World Book Day

We dressed up as our favourite characters from books!
Some of our friends came to see us from Múinteoir Niamh's Senior Infant class and we had fun in the Sensory room together!

Sunday 15 May 2016

International festival

For the International festival we got to try food from different countries.

          We shared the food our parents prepared with our friends in Senior Infants class and 1st class.

Thanks to all the parents who prepared food for the children to taste!!
It was a fun day for everyone!

Yummy pizza...

First the children got a tortilla wrap...
                              Next the children spread tomato puree on top of the tortilla wrap..

                                              Last the children sprinkled cheese on top...

                                                   Then, bake in the oven for 10 minutes...
                                               And...we ate yummy pizza.

Sensory activities in the Clever Acorns classroom...

Here are some sensory activities that we like to do in our classroom!

Chocolate Apples at Hallowe'en!

We enjoyed dipping delicious apples into chocolate and sprinkles as a treat for Hallowe'en!!